How long Duration do we take to deliver your order ?
Usually we take 18-22 working days ( Excluding Sat -Sun )for the order to reach you based on your location from the date of order . Please place your order atleast a month prior before your special occasion so that it won’t become an end moment game .
Do we Restrict Pincodes / Remote locations ?
Luckily ,We deliver to every corner of India .
No matter if it’s an Remote location . We love to happily happen it .
How do we Deliver it to you? Via whom do we Deliver it to you ?
We take Great Care in delivering your Products to you & we Partner with reputed National Courier Services only .
What Should I Do If I Receive An Incorrect Article ?
As unlikely as this is, if you have received an incorrect article we apologize. Please email us at
Disputed Delivery ?
Where we suspect fraudulent activity, including but not limited to circumstances where there are suspicious claims relating to orders having been placed, but not received, or if we suspect that you are returning items after they have been used or worn, or items returned do not match what you ordered, we reserve the right to withhold refunds and block your account (and any associated accounts) from placing orders in future. If this happens to you and you think we’ve made a mistake, you can Contact Us and we will discuss the matter with you further.
If you wish to dispute delivery of your order, you have 28 days starting from the day of receiving tracking status for your order is updated by the carrier as fulfilled (i.e. updated as delivered to the address set out in the Dispatch Confirmation). We reserve the right to request evidence, before issuing any refund of the price paid and/or any associated delivery costs.